Welcome to Halachic Left.
We are a grassroots organization working to shift the conversation on Israel and Palestine in traditionally observant Jewish communities. Check out our latest coverage in Religion News Service.
Halachic Left is honored to share these mournings stickers from our allies in Free Jerusalem, a radical collective focused on ending Israeli occupation and apartheid in Jerusalem. We ask that you print these stickers and paste them widely in your cities, and that you refrain from adding any logos out of respect for the deceased. Limited reimbursements are available for the costs of printing the stickers. Be in touch at [email protected] for details.
Download our Shul Organizing Toolkit, filled with advice on changing the conversation about Israel-Palestine within your shul community.
Halachic Left has launched a new rabbinic hotline! As Chanukah approaches, we anticipate many people across the Jewish left world will be grappling with questions around ritual, organizing, and the intersection of the two. Email [email protected] with your question, and you’ll receive psak within a day (minus Shabbos).